Friday, February 11, 2011

Dews Family interviewed for Sickle Cell Article

Monday February 7, 2011 the Dews family was interviewed and photographed by Casey Templeton for a audio diary and interent article which bring a spotlight on Sickle Cell and the families story. I will provide an update when the article is released.

1 comment:

kirwm said...

Hello Mr.Dew,
First off may God bless you and your family. I just read your article in the ny times and I also read some of the posts. What intriguied me is that there are so many different opinions and unfortunatley uneducated comments about SCD. I have family with SCD and i have been actively doing research on SCD and on some of the clinical trials that have been done and that are currently on the way. My ultimate goal,God Willing is to help esthablish a pro active protocol to cure the disease. Because it is and has been cured and there are a couple of drugs that I am aware of on the horizon that would surpress the Sickle Gene itself. I hope this response finds you well. Please feel free to contact me